Category: House Calls

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House Calls 24/7, some doctors do it all year round

House Calls 24/7, some doctors do it all year round

The idea of doctors making house calls became a thing of the past, but there has been a recent resurgence in the number of doctors who offer that service and the number of patients who are requesting it. What was generally believed to only be offered to the rich and powerful is once again becoming something that many Americans can choose. It’s a popular option for people who live far from hospitals or doctors’ offices, or for those who can’t easily get out and about to see their doctor or otherwise take care of their medical needs. It’s also a convenient option for very busy people.

What is Hospitality Medicine

What is Hospitality Medicine?

Having doctors who visit patients in their hotel rooms can make a great addition to any hotel’s concierge office. It is an option often extended to the wealthy and to celebrities, but VIP medical treatment can be given to others, as well. Clients of luxury hotels can become ill or injured while they are on the property, and they may not want to be transported to a local doctor. That can be especially true if the injury or illness is one that could cause them embarrassment, or if they would be recognized by paparazzi or others who may take pictures or create headlines regarding their medical needs.