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Archives: Profiles
Miami, Florida
888 AM PM DOC is a faith-based medical house call firm committed to the pursuit of excellence. Since 1994, we have pioneered and resurrected house call medicine. From our proprietary innovations to evidence based black bag technologies, we remain the world’s leader in emergency medical house call ministry.
Founded by R. H. Saffouri, DO, a remarkable revolution in Medicine was born! Unleashing breath-taking speed of services, 60 minutes or less, 24/7/365 including ALL HOLIDAYS. Founded on maverick out of the box medical solutions creating our polaris “Wow! experience.”
Every patient is treated as royalty. Everything is done to surpass every expectation. Always pushing the envelope with newer, better, faster quality, quantity, spirit and speed of medical services. Medicine is not a profession. or business; it’s a higher calling. And patient education, reassurance and continuity of care revolves all around You.
Orlando, Florida
Mount Pleasant, South Carolina
Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montesmus.